This report delves into illicit financing stemming from fraud perpetrated in the cyber environment, particularly focusing on instances involving transnational criminal activity and deceptive social engineering techniques. Referred to as...
El documento examina el impacto de Internet y las criptomonedas en las transacciones financieras, destacando cómo han sido aprovechadas por criminales. También aborda los desafíos para las autoridades en la...
The document examines the impact of the Internet and cryptocurrencies on financial transactions, highlighting how they have been exploited by criminals. It also addresses the challenges for authorities in investigating...
El GAFI y el GAFILAT están abordando los riesgos asociados con los activos virtuales (AV) mediante la publicación de guías y llamados a la regulación. Esta guía específica busca ayudar...
This report is a third targeted update on global implementation of the FATF’s Standards on VAs and VASPs. In particular, this report is more targeted than the previous reviews as...
In October 2018, the FATF updated its Recommendations to include financial activities involving virtual assets and virtual asset service providers (VASPs). The revised Recommendation 15 requires VASPs to be regulated...
En octubre de 2018, el GAFI actualizó sus Recomendaciones para incluir las actividades financieras con activos virtuales y proveedores de servicios de activos virtuales (PSAV). La Recomendación 15 revisada exige...
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is a global body that establishes standards to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and the financing of weapons of mass destruction proliferation. In June...
El informe aborda el riesgo de lavado de dinero y financiamiento del terrorismo asociado con los Activos Virtuales (AV), proporcionando señales de alerta para que los sujetos obligados identifiquen y...
The report addresses the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing associated with Virtual Assets (VAs), providing red flags for obligated entities to identify and report potential suspicious activities. These...